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It's Shot, Now What: markedsføring og branding for fotografer.

Julie Grahame har 25 års erfaring som rådgiver og coach for fotografer verden over. Denne langhelgen kan hun være din personlig rådgiver. Du vil få one-on-one tid med Julie, samt gruppediskusjoner og foredrag.
Workshopen foregår på engelsk:
Workshopen skjer på SAGA, Senter for Fotografi på Inderøy i Nord-Trøndelag.

This workshop is all about branding, presentation and finding the right venues for your photography. You will learn how to present work in a professional matter, both in print, and digitally.

You will leave this workshop with a better understanding of how the international marketplace for photography works, and where your work fit it.

Julie will teach you how to really look at your work, assessing its strength and weaknesses, and make you analyse what your work is really about. It order to further develop your voice as a photographer, and fine-tune your style and vision, you need to know the roots of your work.

She will give you a realistic look at where and how to market your images, on and offline. She will review your website and social media presence, and make suggestions to improve your impact and make sure that your voice is visible in all your presentations. She will also look at editing and sequencing of your work, both on your website and portfolio presentations.

The students will get one-on-one time with Julie to help with any questions and concerns you might have on your work. There will also be group lectures with a strong focus on how to successfully develop a brand/niche as a creative artist.

In 1992, Julie moved from London to New York to run an international photo agency representing 400+ photographers. She now edits, writes and publishes aCurator magazine, and aCurator blog, which was cited both by the British Journal of Photography and LIFE in their reviews of influencers and taste-makers. Julie represents the Estate of Yousuf Karsh, consults, edits and reviews work for photographers of all levels and styles, and divides her time between NYC and London.

Julie is a portfolio reviewer for American Society of Media Photographers, Photo NOLA (New Orleans) and Photolucida (Portland, Oregon), and a writer for PDN's “Emerging Photographer,” “PDN EDU”, and the Huffington Post.

She lectures, presents and reviews work for emerging photographers, most recently at New York's School of Visual Arts, New York Film Academy, New York University, Parsons, and Fashion Institute of Technology; and in the UK for Swansea University.

Påmelding til denne workshopen skjer til post@nordphotography.com eller direkte fra vår nettside http://www.nordphotography.com

Vi ber deg lese nøye igjennom den komplette workshopbeskrivelsen som du kan finne her: http://www.nordphotography.com/workshops/marketing-brandi...tographers

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